Do I need a CRP-1/CRP-5 flight computer

Angel Abadzhiev

Last Update 5 months ago

The CRP-1/CRP-5 is a mechanical flight computer used to calculate heading, track, groundspeed, ETAs, etc.

Both the CRP-1 and the CRP-5 essentially serve the same purpose, with the key difference being that the CRP-5 permits a wider range of calculations. The CRP-1 is designed for PPL students, while the CRP-5 is suitable for ATPL theory as well.

If you plan to continue your pilot training towards CPL/ATPL theory, it is advisable to choose the CRP-5. However, if you are pursuing only a PPL, the CRP-1 is a more cost-effective option that will suffice.

During the theoretical training, you will learn how to use the CRP flight computer, and you may need it for Navigation/Flight Performance & Planning official exams. Following the theoretical exams, the flight training will also require its use. Although questions involving the CRP may not be guaranteed in CAA exams, you are required to have your own if such questions arise.

Other tools that might prove useful, especially for the Navigation/Flight Performance & Planning exams and the flight training, include a map ruler and protractor. These tools are used to measure distances and headings.

You can purchase those from an online pilot shop in your area.

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