Do the courses comply with the Swedish Transport Agency requirements?

Specifically the part about PEXO

Emil Avramov

Last Update a year ago

We were recently enquired about the courses that Peak Aviation Academy Europe offer and if they comply with the Swedish Transport Agency. In particular to the part about PEXO. Please see a screenshot below:

As a result, we emailed the Transport Agency of Sweden and confirmed with them the following in writing :) 

* As an EASA Declared Training Organisation (DTO), we comply with all EASA requirements for the courses we offer and thus every European country, part of EASA, accepts our certificates. 

"The candidate can take his/her theoretical examination for the Swedish Transport Agency despite having completed the theoretical training at a foreign EASA ATO.

The following form should be used. Please note that it should be sent first as the candidate is ready to take the first set of examinations for the authority. Please note that we only offer onsite examinations in Sweden and partly in Norway.

Application for theoretical examination for pilot students at a non-Swedish ATO (

This does not require you to register as a training organisation for the Swedish Transport Agency."

In conclusion, you can take a course with us and sit the exams in Sweden :)

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